
Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Latte Dock v0.10.7 | Bug Fix Release



Let's welcome Latte Dock v0.10.7 the 7th Official Bug Fix Release of v0.10.x branch!
Go get it from, download.kde.org*


  • multi-screen: always trust KWin under X11 in order to set correct struts for panels and docks
  • automatically offset centered applets when the left or right widgets overlap the centered one
  • windowsgobelow: show properly during startup
  • kwinedges: calculate accurately their size and position
  • improve applets dragging during rearrange and configure widgets mode
  • hide thin tooltips properly at some cases that were stack
  • fill one pixel gap of justify splitters during rearrange and configure widgets mode
  • fix, windows belong to screen whenever they are touching it. This way a window could belong in more than one screens and be taken into account for visibility modes and active window tracking
  • remove file extensions for layouts and templates properly in order to identify the layout or template name
  • fix build for Freebsd
  • x11: force OnAllDesktops for all docks and panels during creation
  • fix empty availableScreenRegion broadcast to Plasma


You can ping me at https://www.reddit.com/user/psifidotos in order to give you my paypal account.

or you can split your donation between my active projects in kde store.
* archive has been signed with gpg key: 325E 97C3 2E60 1F5D 4EAD CF3A 5599 9050 A2D9 110E