because there are users that requested a way in order to support Latte even further and donate for the project, we created a donation page at pledgie:
to cheer you up a bit for the upcoming 0.7 version which is scheduled for the end of August or maybe earlier ;) based on the effort...
some of the features already implemented and some that are going to land:
- support layouts and change them with one click (we enhanced our export/import configuration mechanism to layouts. We provide already 5 predefined layouts and the user can add as many wants to)
- provide two layouts for the configuration window (Basic/Advanced)
- set the dock transparency per dock and enable/disable its panel shadows
- global shortcuts, Super+No (unity way), Super+Ctrl+No (new instance), Super+` (raise the hidden dock)
- support from libtaskmanager the libunity interface in order to show progress indicators and item counters such as unread e-mails etc... this needs libunity9 installed. +expose independently our own simpler dbus interface to show counters for tasks if there are programmers out there that dont want to use the libunity way
- tasks audio streams indicator (increase/decrease volume with scroll whell and mute with clicking it)
- the new Places exposer for your tasks/launchers that plasma 5.10 offers
- dynamic dock background (show the background only for maximized windows and choose also if you want the dock shadow to be shown in that case)
- copy your docks easily with one-click (extremely useful in multi-screen environments that want the same dock between different screens)
- sync your launchers between all your docks (global launchers, they do not erase your per dock launchers if you disable them)
- wayland tech preview (there is already code implemented for this and landed in our master)
- support fillWidth/Height applets like the plasma panel
- substitute the Latte plasmoid with your favourite plasma taskmanager (having implemented proper fillWidth/Height for the applets we can now provide this)
- support separators everywhere and work correclty with the parabolic effect
- various improvements for launchers start up, animations etc....
Latte 0.7 will be compatible with plasma>=5.9 and qt>=5.7
thanks everyone once more for your support...