Let's welcome Latte Dock v0.10.5 the 5th Official Bug Fix Release of v0.10.x branch!
- improve startup behavior and reduce visual glitches whenever a dock or panel is first appearing
- prepare code for Plasma LookNFeel packages
- improve applets dragging behavior when changing their position in a dock or panel
- ignore window states when kwin window manager is showing desktop effect
- reposition vertical docks and panels when surrounding docks and panels are changing their maximum length independent of their visibility mode
- reduce/increase maximum length through canvas ruler even when the minimum length equals the maximum length
- do not update kwin borderless windows behavior when it is not really changed for the current running layouts structure
- copied and duplicated docks or panels should not have AllBorders background enabled with no reason
- ignore maxlength that equals zero for fillLength applets as Qt already doing
- support 10bit systems under x11 and not show only a blurred area in that case
- multiscreen: disable struts under x11 for docks or panels that stand between two or more different screens
- tasks: reassign launchers group properly when a dock or panel view is recreated for any of reasons
- tasks: identify vivaldi audio stream properly and show the audio badge in that case
- cmd: support --add-dock through command line even when application is not already running
- cmd: provide option to print all available templates
- cmd: provide option to enable/disable application autostart
or you can split
your donation between my active projects in kde store.
- Latte Dock
- Latte Spacer
- Latte Separator
- Window Title Applet
- Window Buttons Applet
- Window AppMenu Applet
- Unity Indicator
- DashToPanel Indicator
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