
Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Latte Dock v0.10.8 | Bug Fix Release



Let's welcome Latte Dock v0.10.8 the 8th Official Bug Fix Release of v0.10.x branch!
Go get it from, download.kde.org*


  • multi-screen: fix docks/panels screen repositioning when the user specifies different screen for dock or panel
  • fix borders identification for autopositioning vertical docks/panels
  • fix vertical docks/panels autopositioning which is relevant to top and bottom panels
  • position kwin edges helper window properly on startup after offscreen positioning
  • x11: center applets config window on screen
  • do not shrink vertical docks/panels on startup after switching from offscreen to onscreen
  • make dock and panel work properly when they undo their removal


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or you can split your donation between my active projects in kde store.
* archive has been signed with gpg key: 325E 97C3 2E60 1F5D 4EAD CF3A 5599 9050 A2D9 110E