
Sunday, 20 March 2022

KWin 5.25 | Korners Fix

Hello everyone,

this is a heads up for designers to update their KDE decorations if they want to support Blur for any of their decorations since Plasma 5.25. Let me explain you what has changed and what you need to update.

  • Blur for ALL decorations is disabled in KWin 5.25 and that fixes korners bug for all solid decorations without requiring any further actions from them.
  • C++ decorations that would like to enable blur for them they need to use KDecoration2::Decoration::blurRegions API that has been introduced.
  • Aurorae decorations that are solid they do not need to update anything in their regard.
  • Aurorae decorations that would like to enable blur they need to add a "mask" element inside their decoration.svg file. The "mask" element should have the same padding used for active and inactive decorations. Following screenshot demonstrates such "mask" element and you can also use a demonstration theme.